Conversation with Tony Gatlif

Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 9 p.m., Kinoteka, following the screening of the film “Time for Outrage”

Languages of the debate: Polish and French

After the Polish premiere screening of the film “Time for Outrage”, Political Critique invites you to a meeting with the director.

Tony Gatlif’s biography reads like a movie script. Born in French Algeria to Romani parents, he came to France as a teenager in the 1960s, during the Algerian war. Having committed a few minor robberies, he spent some time at a young offenders’ institution. He found solace in cinema and against all odds enrolled in an acting program. Starting in mid 1970s, he worked as an actor, screenwriter and director. With time, he also became a composer and a producer. The main themes of many of Gatlif’s films are the Romani, migration, cultural identity, art, and left-wing social thought. His films have received numerous awards at the major film festivals around the world. He received the Cannes Palme d’Or for his film “Exils”, and the Caesar Award for his music to “Vengo” and “Gadjo Dilo”.

Moderator: Jakub Majmurek, Political Critique