Debate: Football of Politics or Politics of Football?

Friday, May 11, 2012, 6 p.m., Kinoteka, following the screening of the film “Football Under Cover”.

Languages of the debate: Polish and English

The pre-Euro 2012 period has been a time of heated public debate on football-related issues. Many countries regard the sport as a national past-time that can stir the masses and evoke group emotions. The upcoming mass-scale soccer events present an opportunity to discuss not only the sport itself, but also the economic and political issues, as well as those related to the media and advertising industries.
The debate aims to inspect relationships between football and politics: is politics-free football – and sport in general – feasible at all? What dangers does combining the two spheres entail? Should we aim to separate them at all costs? Does politics utilize football or is rather involvement in football a form of political activity?

Ayat Najafi – Director of the film “Football Under Cover”, Berlin, Germany
Jacek Purski – “Never Again” Association, UEFA Euro 2012 Respect Diversity social responsibility program
Seweryn Dmowski – Political scientist from the University of Warsaw, supporter of Legia Warszawa football team
Iryna Magdysh – Editor of “Ji” magazine, Lviv, Ukraine
Moderator: Sports reporter, “Gazeta Wyborcza” newspaper,