A Pestering Journey
Na tropie szkodników
dir. K R Manoj, India, 2011, 66 mins
Screening times
May 11 17:00, Kinoteka 2Buy online
May 12 16:30, Kinoteka 2Buy online
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About the film

“A Pestering Journey” is an attempt to interrogate the legitimate forms and technologies of killing available in a culture. Taking a pestering turn, the journey blurs the boundaries of nature and culture, of self and other, of life and death and many other comfortable binaries we inhabit. It tries to ask how much regard for life a culture should have to ponder over the question, what a pest is. Pestering Journey unravels the many interwoven layers of culture and agriculture and foregrounds the logic of green revolution. In an atypical move it challenges and changes the idioms of pesticide and genocide and reveals the claims over knowledge and expertise which pushes a pesticide like Endosulfan to a dubious position between poison and medicine.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - DOK Leipzig


Reżyseria/Directed by: K R Manoj
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Shehnad Jalal
Producenci/Producers: Ranjini Krishnan
Produkcja/Production: Tropical Cinema

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dobry, ale bardzo dobry - to nie. Jak na dokument - trochę za dużo artystycznych ujęć. (aneta)