Curriculum Mortis
dir. Lionel Monier, France, 2011, 85 mins
Screening times
May 16 14:30, Luna A
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About the film

During the same time span as a “preservation”, we travel to the land of the dead in the search of what nowadays composes our relationship with the bodies of our deceased. A philosopher, a writer, a lawyer and an embalmer each try to provide intimate answers to the numerous questions, which never fail to assail someone observing the remains of a fellow human being.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2012 - Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmów o Zdrowiu/ International Health FF


Reżyseria/Directed by: Lionel Monier
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Hugues Gemignani
Producenci/Producers: Audrey Ferrarese
Produkcja/Production: Wendigo Films

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