9 Scenes of Violence
9 scener om våld
9 Scen przemocy
dir. Michael Krotkiewski, Sweden, 2011, 34 mins
Screening times
May 13 14:30, Kinoteka 4Buy online
May 17 15:00, Luna B
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About the film

Humans abuse, kill and harass each other. Violence is a potential force within all of us. It is a force that can explode suddenly, or develop over time.

In this documentary film, people return to the moment when impulse transcended into action, and when their lives -or someone else's life – were forever changed. Without explanatory circumstances, this film opens the forbidden doors to the darker side of the human psyche.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - IDFA/ International Documentary Festival Amsterdam


Reżyseria/Directed by: Michael Krotkiewski
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Lars Siltberg
Producenci/Producers: Pea Holmquist, Michael Krotkiewski
Produkcja/Production: Dramatiska Institutet, Krotkiewski Film

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