How To Live In the FRG
Leben - BRD
Życie w Republice Federalnej Niemiec
dir. Harun Farocki, Germany, 1990, 83 mins
Screening times
May 14 18:30, Kino.Lab
May 18 20:30, Kino.Lab
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About the film

The author assembles a genre picture of the contemporary FRG with shots of scenes where life is rehearsed, ability/durability is tested. Wherever one looks, people appear as actors playing themselves; they take on roles. A play in the theater of life made up of training courses, fitness tests for things and people. Be it in birth preparation classes for expectant parents or in practice runs for sales talks, on the military training ground or during role-plays for educational purposes. Everywhere the incessant effort to be prepared for the emergency of ‘reality” can be felt. “How to Live in The FRG” assembles out of a wealth of details a picture of a society in which childbearing and dying, crying and taking care of people, crossing streets and killing are taught and learned in state or private institutions, indeed have to be learned. The real mechanical ballet is not danced by machines but by people who move to a music that feeds on bombastic phrases from the realms of social work, bureaucracy and therapy.


Reżyseria/Directed by: Harun Farocki
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Ingo Kratisch
Producent/Producer: Harun Farocki
Produkcja/Production: Harun Farocki Filmproduktion

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