Out Of Reach
Poza zasięgiem
dir. Jakub Stożek, Poland, 2010, 30 mins
Screening times
May 18 17:00, Kinoteka 5Buy online
May 19 13:30, Luna A
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About the film

Karolina and Natalia seek refuge from their domineering father and reminiscence about sad childhood without a mother in a basement of their block of flats. When the younger sister’s poor eyesight starts to deteriorate, the girls decide to find Bożena, their mother, who left the family when they were young. The director, Jakub Stożek, accompanies Karolina on her journey to Paris where the older sister is supposed to meet the mother whom the girls know only from the voice message left on the phone she never answers. Will the daughter be able to establish a bond with the mother she has not seen for fourteen years?

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - FF Kraków, Złoty Smok, Specjalne Wyróżnienie w Konkursie Międzynarodowym / Cracow FF, The Golden Dragon, Honorable Mention in the National Competition, 2011 - Timishort FF, 2011 - FF Sundance, Specjalne Wyróżnienie/ Sundance FF, Special Mention, 2011 - FF Zagrebdox/Zagrebdox FF, 2011 - MFF Kenia/ Kenya IFF