Russian Libertine
Venäjän vapain mies
Rosyjski libertyn
dir. Ari Matikainen, Finland, 2012, 75 mins
Section: Literature and Film  ·  Competition: Magic Hour Award
Screening times
May 17 18:00, Kinoteka 1Buy online
May 18 19:00, Luna B
May 20 19:00, Luna B
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About the film

Last winter Russians got tired with Putin's autocratic actions and went out into the streets to demand change. A hope for more righteous Russia has awakened, but the journey is a long one, and the weight of history exceptionally heavy. However, an idea for new Russia has been born, and continues to grow even at this very moment. One of the people fighting for a change is the Russian author and dissident Victor Erofeyev. He loves his country and wants it to be more tolerant and open-minded. For decades now, he has been criticising the people in charge of Russia. He has also been in trouble with the state since the Soviet times, but does not let the fear hold him back. With his work he wants to encourage the Russians to take a critical look around and try to actively improve their own situation. Now this is finally happening.”Russian Libertine” brings the changes that shake the Russian society in front of our eyes and make them easier to understand. Victor's colourful story from a privileged child of a Soviet diplomat to a dissident who destroys his own family is full of surprises. It is a journey to today's Russia.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 – IDFA/ International Documentary Festival Amstredam


Reżyseria/Directed by: Ari Matikainen
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Hannu - Pekka Vitikainen
Producenci/Producers: Liisa Juntunen
Produkcja/Production: Kinocompany

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