Red Line
Linha Vermelha
Granica wpływu
dir. José Felipe Costa, Portugal, 2011, 80 mins
Screening times
May 12 19:30, Luna A
May 13 18:30, Kinoteka 2Buy online
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About the film

In 1975, Thomas Harlan's crew filmed Torre Bela's homestead occupation, in the center of Portugal. Three decades later, "Red Line" revisits this emblematic film of the Portuguese revolutionary period: in which way did Harlan interfered in the events that seems to naturally develop in front of the camera? What was the impact of the film on the lives of the occupants and the memory of that period?

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - IndieLisboa, Nagroda dla Najlepszego Portugalskiego Filmu Dokumentalnego/Award for The Best Portuguese Documentary Film


Reżyseria/Directed by: José Felipe Costa
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Paulo Menezes, Pedro Pinho, João Ribeiro
Producenci/Producers: João Matos, Ana Isabel Strindberg
Produkcja/Production: Joana Gusmão

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