dir. Erik Gandini, Sweden/Denmark/UK/Finland, 2009, 82 mins
Screening times
May 7 21:00, Iluzjon
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In Italy one man only has kept the domination of the image over three entire decades. As a TV-magnate and then as Presidente, Silvio Berlusconi has created a perfect system of TV-entertainment and politics. Like no one else he has influenced the content of commercial television in Italy.His TV-channels, known for their over-exposure of almost naked girls, are seen by many as a mirror of his own taste and personality In VIDEOCRACY director Erik Gandini returns to his country of birth portraying from the inside the consequences of a TV-experiment that Italians have been subjected to for 30 years.


Produkcja/Production: Atmo Media Network, Zentropa, Sveriges Television (SVT), BBC Storyville, Danish Broadcast Corporation, YLE Co-Productions

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